Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of training programs do you offer?

We offer a range of programs, including strength training, cardio, and mobility training.

Are your online coaching programs personalised to my specific fitness level and goals?

Yes, we create personalised programs that are tailored to your individual fitness level and goals.

How often should I expect to check in with you during my online coaching?

We recommend checking in with us once a week to track progress and make adjustments to your program as needed.

How long does each training session typically last?

Training sessions typically last around 60 minutes, depending on your program.

How do I know if I'm doing the exercises correctly?

We provide video demonstrations and instructions for all exercises and can also offer live video feedback also. 

How do you track progress during my training program?


We track progress through various measures, including measurements, progress photos, and performance in exercises.

How do you ensure that my program is safe and effective?


We prioritise safety and effectiveness in all of our programs and only recommend exercises that are appropriate for your fitness level and goals. All our online coaching plans come with video tutorials to ensure safe form. 

Can you help with nutrition and meal planning as well?


Yes, we offer full nutrition support. 

How do you manage injuries or physical limitations?


We take injuries and physical limitations seriously and can create programs that work around them or refer you to a medical professional if needed.

How do I get started with your coaching services?


You can get started by clicking the join now button on the website.  

Can I speak with current or previous clients for references?


Yes, in fact we encourage this! We will be happy to put you in touch with current and past clients 

Do you offer any discounts or promotions for new clients?


We occasionally offer discounts or promotions for new clients. Contact us to see if any are currently available.

What kind of support do you offer outside of training sessions?


We offer support through email, text, or video chat outside of training sessions to answer questions and provide encouragement.

How do I pay for your coaching services?

Payment can be made through our website using a credit card or PayPal.

How do you adjust my program as I progress?

We adjust your program based on progress updates and can make changes as needed to ensure continued progress.

How quickly should I expect to see results from your program?


Results will vary depending on individual factors, but most clients see results within 4-6 weeks of starting our program.

Can I still work out if I don't have a lot of time?

Yes, we can create programs that are effective even with limited time available.

How do you motivate clients who struggle with staying consistent?


We provide motivation and accountability through regular check-ins, goal setting, and positive reinforcement.

Got more questions, contact us

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